Near Garmisch-Partenkirchen: emergency services do not suspect any further fatalities among the wagons

A regional train derailed yesterday near Burgrain near Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Some wagons are lying on their sides, four are dead and at least 30 are injured. How the accident happened is currently unclear. All important information in the news ticker from FOCUS Online.

The essentials in brief:

8:17 p.m .: The emergency services would not expect any more fatalities under the two wagons that had not yet been raised. The expert from the Technical Relief Agency, Stephen Jaklitsch, said the “BR”. “We knew from the course of the accident that people were probably thrown out in the middle wagon,” he said. This fear does not exist with the other wagons. However, there is only safety when all wagons have been lifted off the track bed.

6.15 p.m .: Around 30 soldiers from Mountain Infantry Brigade 23 were on board the accident train. They make an emergency call, help with rescue work and take care of the injured, said the Hochstaufen barracks in Bad Reichenhall on Saturday. Brigadier General Maik Keller praised the soldiers: Although some were slightly injured, they helped immediately.

4:18 p.m .: In Garmisch-Partenkirchen, attempts are currently being made to lift the second unsupported wagon from the tracks. This is reported by the “BR”. The salvage was difficult, the wagons were severely deformed by the accident, it is said. Another crane is needed, it is still unclear whether this will arrive today or tomorrow.

1:47 p.m .: After the train accident, a fifth victim was found, as the police confirmed. After rescuers were able to lift one of the wagons early Saturday afternoon, the person was found in the rubble. According to information from “Bild” it should be about the missing student. However, this has not yet been confirmed. The responsible chief of police said that he could make “no further statements” about the fifth fatality.

The Chief of Police further said: “The number of injured has increased to 44, some seriously. We do not assume that there will be any further fatalities. We currently estimate between seven and 14 missing persons, but suspect that the number will continue to decrease over time.”

Bahn boss Richard Lutz promised to look at the accidents and draw consequences for the future. “We want the causes to be clarified quickly and clearly.” Transport Minister Volker Wissing also promised “complete clarification. But you can only draw conclusions at the end when all the causes are known.”

1:04 p.m .: A wagon part at the scene of the accident in Farchant could be lifted. This is reported by “BR24” from the scene of the accident. Now it should be checked whether there are missing persons among them. For this reason, the statements by Transport Minister Volker Wissing and Bahn boss Richard Lutz have been delayed.

Reports that a technical defect is responsible for the train accident have not yet been confirmed by the police. A special commission should now clarify what was the cause of the derailment of the train.

12:54 p.m .: The district administrator of the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district reported something to the missing people to “Bild”. “Among the missing is a child or young person between the ages of 10 and 15,” says Anton Speer. “We have to lift the wagons as quickly as possible and see what’s underneath.

11:58 a.m .: According to the Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU), adults and no children died in the serious train accident near Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The fatalities are “adult women,” Hermann said on Saturday on Bayerischer Rundfunk. “About seven people” are still missing.

Hermann said it cannot be ruled out that there are still dead people under the overturned wagons. “The wagon, which is completely scrapped, has to be lifted onto the adjacent federal road, but so far this has not been possible.”

The Minister of the Interior expects the railway line to be closed “in any case for a few more days”. Even after the wreck has been removed, the investigative work would first have to be completed, he said in BR. Then major construction work would be necessary because the overhead line of the route was also destroyed.

10.40 a.m .: After the serious train accident in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, three dead have now been recovered, according to the police. Another victim died on Friday on the way to the hospital. There were no children among the four confirmed dead.

A police spokesman in Rosenheim said in the morning that the confirmed dead were still under one of the overturned wagons – his colleagues at the accident site later corrected this information.

10:27 a.m .: Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder visited the scene of the accident and commented on the serious train accident on Friday. “We are now praying and very much hoping that we will not find any more dead under the wagons. We pray for the relatives and those affected,” said the CSU politician on Saturday morning.

“A big thank you to the emergency services, it’s unbelievable, almost superhuman, what was done there. It’s impressive how the various rescuers worked together, “continued Söder. “We hope that all of the injured will recover. Even those who are not injured may have wounds in their souls. Thanks again to everyone involved, police, fire brigade , Bundeswehr, THW – many, many thanks.”

The Prime Minister also gave an insight into his personal emotional state. “You have an appointment and suddenly such bad news comes. You get a stab in your heart right away, especially when you hear that there are also students inside. You get an immediate shock,” reports Söder. “It breaks my heart every time something like this happens. I am infinitely grateful that so many help, including volunteers who have not slept all night, that is admirable.”

9:41 a.m .: One day after the serious train accident in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, people are still missing. The police spoke on Saturday of a “single-digit number” missing. On Friday evening there was still talk of twelve people. The rescue workers assume 40 injured and three seriously injured. A police spokesman said at the scene of the accident. The day before, there had been talk of around 15 seriously injured people.

The salvage work was difficult. Two attempts to lift the wagons failed. Lifting bags were also used. The wagons were “twisted and twisted,” said the police spokesman. “That makes the rescue so difficult.” A heavy recovery crane, which can lift up to 120 tons and was expected at the accident site in the morning, should help. “You have to go step by step,” said the spokesman.

9:05 a.m .: After the serious train accident in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, at least three dead had not yet been recovered on Saturday morning. As a police spokesman said, a heavy recovery crane that can lift up to 120 tons was expected at the scene of the accident in the morning. “We cannot rule out that there are other victims under the wagon,” said a police spokesman.

On Friday afternoon, several regional train wagons derailed on the way to Munich in the Burgrain district. Several double-decker carriages of the train overturned, slid down an embankment and remain lying next to a main road, at least four people were killed.

7:54 a.m .: 15 soldiers from the Mittenwald barracks, who were sitting in the derailed train near Farchant near Garmich-Partenkirchen, made it extremely easy to save many people after the accident. The head of the fire brigade praises the “Barassler”, as soldiers are still called in Bavaria today, for their commitment.

“We had the advantage that 15 Barasslers were on the train on the way home. They coordinated so well in there, opened the windows for us from the inside,” he said in an interview with BR and thanked the men. “You really have to say a big thank you to them. They took care of the injured, handed them out through the windows – hats off to this Bundeswehr.”

Saturday, July 4th, 6:25 a.m .: After the serious train accident in Garmisch-Partenkirchen with at least four dead, the investigations and rescue work at the accident site continue on Saturday. There, on Friday afternoon, several regional train wagons derailed on the way to Munich in the Burgrain district. Several double-decker wagons of the train overturned, slid down an embankment and stayed right next to a main road. The cause of the accident was still unclear the day after.

At least four of the approximately 140 people on the train died. There were also around 30 injuries, including several children. Some of the victims suffered serious injuries and required emergency surgery. It was one of the worst rail accidents in Germany in recent years.

10:04 p.m .: Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) got a picture of the situation after the serious train accident near Garmisch-Partenkirchen on Friday evening. “I am deeply shocked,” said the minister. “It’s a terrible catastrophe.” Four people died and numerous people were injured.

She came to express the deep sympathy of the federal government, said Faeser. This applies above all to the relatives, families and friends of the victims. But she also came to show her solidarity with the rescue workers and to express her wishes for recovery to the injured. There were 650 emergency services on site who had done great things, said the minister. Within an hour, all the injured were recovered and taken to hospitals.

The cause of the accident is still completely unclear. “Everything is now being done to clarify how this could have happened.” The Bavarian Minister of State for Housing, Construction and Transport, Christian Bernreiter (CSU), said that everything points to some technical defect. According to the latest information, it will take at least two weeks before the route may be passable again. Among other things, a 700-ton crane is now rolling to recover the derailed wagons.

In the evening, helpers continued to work on the rescue with heavy equipment under floodlights. Trees were cut down with chainsaws to get at the damaged train.

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