Marked by the Ukraine war and Corona: Bundestag approves budget for 2022: new debt of 138.9 billion euros

The Bundestag has approved the federal budget for the current year. Marked by the Ukraine war and the corona pandemic, new debts of 138.9 billion euros are planned. Once again, an exception to the debt brake is approved.

The Bundestag approved the federal budget for 2022 on Friday. Another new debt of around 139 billion euros is planned, based on an exception rule for the debt brake. This is justified with additional costs due to the corona pandemic and the Ukraine war.

The budget has a total volume of 496 billion euros. 403 MPs voted for it. There were 285 votes against and one abstention. Parliament had previously approved the renewed exemption from the debt brake with the required absolute majority. The four-day final debate on the budget for the current year ended with the approval of the budget.

According to announcements by Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), the government wants to comply with the debt brake again from 2023. In the debate, there was another sharp exchange of blows between the coalition and the opposition.

This time, the budget will be passed much later than usual because of the federal elections and the change of government. The budget law still has to be approved by the Bundesrat.