ADAC reports: One day after tax cuts: petrol prices are rising again

One day after the tax cut, fuel prices in Germany are already rising again. On Thursday morning, both diesel and premium E10 petrol were a few cents above the prices on Wednesday morning, as the ADAC announced. At 10.50 a.m., E10 cost an average of 1.896 euros per liter nationwide. That’s 3.7 cents more than 24 hours earlier. Diesel cost 1.951 euros: 3.3 cents more.

The tax advantage – for super petrol it is 35.2 cents per liter, for diesel 16.7 – was not fully received by the consumer on Wednesday. “It should actually go further down, but instead prices are currently rising,” said ADAC fuel market expert Christian Laberer. The increase is not justified – especially since the oil price has recently fallen and more and more tax-reduced fuel is now arriving at the filling stations.

In principle, Laberer considers the current prices to be far too high. Even before the tax cut, for example, E10 was about 20 cents too expensive in his estimation. And now the discharge will not be passed on completely. “For Super E10, a fair price would have to be around 55 cents below Tuesday’s price,” he adds up. “So at about 1.60 per liter. We are currently around 30 cents away from that.”

Laberer fears that this gap will not close quickly. “Prices must go down, but there is a risk that this will not happen. Especially now before the Pentecost wave of travel, in which many people are forced to fill up.”

The rising prices are leaving their mark. In April, the strongest sales slump in the food trade was recorded. The trade assumes that low-income people in particular can simply afford less.

Millions of German tenants have to adjust to rising housing costs: Germany’s largest real estate company, the Dax group Vonovia, considers significant rent increases to be inevitable given the high inflation rates.

Deutsche Bahn sold a total of around 38,000 9-euro tickets on which no name was printed. The nameless tickets apparently only went over the counters in Munich. Customers should now add the name themselves.