Settlement is a turning point for US women’s soccer team players

U.S. Women’s National Team players spent years fighting for equal pay. U.S. Soccer paid $24 million to settle a dispute regarding discrimination with the team. It also committed to equalizing pay and bonuses to match that of the men’s team.

Megan Rapinoe, star midfielder, said, “I think we’re going back to this moment and just think: ‘Wow! What an incredible turning point in U.S. Soccer history that changed the game, really changed the world, really forever’.”

Two sides announced an agreement Tuesday morning that would see players split $22million , approximately one-third of the damages they had sought. U.S. Soccer agreed to create a $2 million fund to help the players with their post-soccer career and to support charitable causes that aim to grow the sport for women.

The proposal was furthered when American soccer’s governing body pledged to equalize pay, including World Cup bonuses. This effectively closes the gender discrimination lawsuit filed by players in 2019.

There’s still one hurdle: A collective bargaining agreement with the unions of players. Following the December 31 expiration date of the last CBA (which was set for March 31), negotiations with women are continuing.

This settlement was a win for the women, whose supporters chanted “Equal pay!” as they won their second consecutive World Cup title in France.

Rapinoe stated that it was sometimes difficult to talk about the discrimination, abuse and inequity many women experience in their jobs. “And I believe we were able t put a voice, put a face on it, put talking points and create a movement behind it.

Cindy Parlow Cone (federation President) was also pleased with the agreement. She is a former player and became head of federation in March 2020.

Cone stated, “Now we can work with the players to grow this game because they are not only the best players in all of the world but they’re also the best ambassadors for the sport.” “I am so happy we did this. “I’m looking forward to working with you and turning the page.”

Carlos Cordeiro quit following a legal filing by the federation in which it claimed that women were less capable and more responsible than their male counterparts. Cone was replaced by Cone. Cordeiro will be seeking to regain his job as Cone when the USSF National Council meets March 5 to elect a four-year term.

Five American stars, including Rapinoe and Becky Sauerbrunn, filed a complaint to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (April 2016). Three years later, the players filed a lawsuit seeking damages under Title VII of Civil Rights Act and the federal Equal Pay Act.

In December 2020, the parties settled the working conditions section. This dealt with issues like charter flights, accommodation, and playing surfaces. The 9th U.S. was scheduled for them to argue on March 7. Circuit Court of Appeals to try and reinstate the equal pay section that was thrown out of a U.S. District Court.

On Tuesday morning, the appeals court was asked by the players and the federation to remove the case from its calendar. Subject to approval by the district court, the $22 million will be divided into the individual amounts that the players propose.

Sauerbrunn stated that “every generation has taken up that fight to close that gap, and every generation has left the program better for that fight. We as current players are thrilled that that fight has led to that closing of that gap.” There are many on-field achievements like World Cups, Olympics, league championships but this one will be the most significant.

Cone stated that the federation has not yet determined how to equalize World Cup bonuses. Bis now, bonuses were based on FIFA payments, which received $400 million for 2018’s men’s tournament. This included $38 million to champion France and $30 million for 2019’s women’s tournament.

Cone stated that until FIFA equalizes the results, both the men’s and women’s PAs must be united with US Soccer in order to find a solution.

Men have been working under terms of the December 2018 expired CBA. On Tuesday afternoon, the women’s union was present at the bargaining table.

Since 1985, the U.S. has won four World Cups for women while the men have not reached the semifinals since 1930.

Morgan stated, “It’s been amazing to stand beside all these women on national team and feel that we are making an impact, not just for ourselves but also for the next generation of women across sport and workforces.” It’s been an amazing experience that I couldn’t have imagined.