Finland’s hockey player moves from isolating to the Olympic final

While at the Olympics, Marko Anttila was able to think about many things.

One of the questions was “Can I play there or not?”

After testing positive for coronavirus in Beijing, the Finnish hockey veteran spent six nights at an isolation hotel. He was unsure when he would be able to resume his pursuit for gold. Anttila, who scored twice in the first game of the tournament returned to play in Sunday’s final against the Russians hoping to win the country’s first Olympic hockey medal.

Anttila stated, “I was thinking that there is a chance that we could win something here. How would it feel to be alone and win something?” “The goal was to enjoy the moment and make this dream come true. It’s now possible.

Anttila, an alternate captain at the Olympics at 36 years old, is one of the reasons. Anttila has worn the “C” for Finland at two world championships in Finland and is a respected leader within the locker room. He scored his first goal back, and again in the quarterfinals.

Sami Vatanen, a former NHL defenseman, said that he felt it in his legs after the Finns’ last Olympic practice. He knows how to win games and is doing everything to help the team. He (He) guides us and shows us how we can battle and win on the ice.

Anttila couldn’t skate the first few Olympic practices despite not feeling any symptoms. Anttila was motivated by the prospect of winning the tournament to continue his workouts in his bedroom while he waited.

There was much time to spare, and the mental anguish was more severe than the physical.

Anttila stated, “I was just lonely inside a hotel room.” “It wasn’t easy.”

It was easy for him to get back into playing condition. Anttila, the general manager, has been playing in the final since 2006. This was the last time Finland reached the Olympics.

Lehtinen stated, “You have to continue doing that more and more. And he’s doing that well and that’s why that’s why that’s why that level of play is possible.” He isn’t tired.”

Of course, Anttila isn’t tired. He was able to use his energy from six days of inactivity for a lot.

Captain Valtteri Filippula joked that Anttila was playing because he had been freed from isolation. Jussi Olkinuora joined Anttila briefly at the hotel as the goaltender when Finland overcame a three-goal deficit and beat Sweden in the preliminary round finale.

Olkinuora is now playing in goal for Harri Sateri, but Anttila’s team was selected by Jukka Jalonen to start every match. Lehtinen stated that “We know what we can do.”

Jalonen is familiar with Anttila and is not surprised to see her perform at the Olympics.

Anttila has been coached by Jalonen for over a decade. “We knew that Anttila had enough time to be physically fit when he returned.” He’s doing that right now.”

Anttila made sure that he didn’t take too long to get up to speed after it took several days for him to clear consecutive COVID-19 test. Despite Finland having left the Olympics with silver, Anttila hopes to be part the first country to bring home the gold medal.

He said, “It’s our responsibility to be prepared when the opportunity arises and to do all that you can to prepare for it.” “Hopefully, now my best game and that of the team is ahead of me.”