The winners and prize-winners of the contest “Draw your favorite city” were awarded in the “House on Brestskaya”

A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the IX annual contest among children from five to 16 years old” Draw your favorite city “was held in the”House on Brestskaya”. This was told by the head of the Department of Urban Planning Policy Sergey Levkin. 

To visit the exhibition, you need to register in advance. The exhibition hall will be equipped with disinfectants, and the temperature will be measured for guests at the entrance.

1811 drawings were submitted for the competition. The winners were 48 children chosen by the jury. The audience Award was also awarded. Drawing by Stephanie Polyakova scored the highest number of Internet votes among the 326 finalist works.

There were four nominations: “I’m walking in Moscow”, ” Megapolis of the future. Moscow-2050″, “Green City-eco-city” and “Not all heroes wear raincoats”. Each participant could send an unlimited number of works in digital or paper format.

The competition was first held in 2013. It was called ” Moscow-for life, for children! Urban planning policy through the eyes of small Muscovites”.