Putin presented awards to rescuers and firefighters in Blagoveshchensk


” This is the case when it can be said about you: your service is both dangerous and difficult. It is also noble, ” the head of state said. He noted that he has repeatedly been in those situations in which rescuers and firefighters have to work. “I know how difficult it is physically and mentally. And you have to go through all this. And, unfortunately, it happens that people give their own lives for the sake of saving others. There is nothing more noble, ” Putin added (quoted by RIA Novosti).

Among the awardees are firefighters from Yakutia Boris Kruchinin and Egor Zakharov, Sergeant Andrey Savvateev from the Trans-Baikal Territory, senior Ensign Yevgeny Kolesnikov from the Amur Region, commander of the Be-200 Khabarovsk Aviation Rescue Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Andrey Sinchenko.

Recall that the working trip of the President of Russia to the Far East began on September 1. After visiting the capital of Primorsky Krai and participating in the VI Eastern Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin went to the Amur Region, where he inspected the command post and the construction site of the Angara launch complex (Vostochny Cosmodrome).