In Germany, they wanted to change the sanctions against Russia

EU sanctions against Russia should be more targeted, said the chairman of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) of Germany, Christian Lindner.

The current sanctions, according to Lindner, affect all residents of Russia and allow the country’s authorities to “portray themselves as a victim”. At the same time, Lindner believes that Russia should change its policy and “comply with the rules of procedure” of the common European house.

He urged to prevent Russia from “blackmailing Ukraine” with the help of “gas supplies”. According to him, it is necessary to take into account Ukrainian interests in the implementation of the Nord Stream – 2 project. In addition, Lindner supported the adoption of the so-called Magnitsky Act, TASS reports with reference to Deutsche Welle.

Recall that the data of a survey conducted at the end of August by the INSA Institute for Public Opinion Research commissioned by Bild am Sonntag show that 13% of voters are ready to vote for the Free Democratic Party in the September Bundestag elections.