Muscovites were warned about the sharp onset of autumn cold weather

From September 1, the weather in Moscow will begin to change for the worse, and by the end of the week, citizens will expect a noticeable cold. Yevgeny Tishkovets, a leading employee of the Phobos Weather Center, warned about this in an interview with Vechernaya Moskva.

According to him, on the Day of Knowledge, it will rain in the capital, it will be windy, and the thermometer may drop to 18 degrees.

“And in two days we will wake up in a real autumn. The temperature background will begin to decrease rapidly. On September 2, 9-11 degrees at night, 12-14 degrees in the afternoon and also rains. On September 3, the weather will clear up for a while, but this will not save you from a cold snap. At night it is already 4-6 degrees in total, during the day it is 13-15 in Moscow, ” the specialist said.

He added that by the weekend, the temperature at night will be 4-9 degrees. In the afternoon at the end of this week, no higher than 12 degrees is expected, as well as short-term rains. Such weather, according to Tishkovets, is no longer typical for September, it is “the cold of the beginning of October”.

Earlier, the leading specialist of the Phobos weather center, Mikhail Leus, told when Indian summer will come to Moscow. According to the meteorologist, the citizens expect a cool first half of September. However, the third and fourth weeks of the first autumn month will be noticeably warmer. It is then that a return to warm weather will occur in the capital.