China will appear the city of the future that will be created with all the features of life in the midst of the epidemic. The design will deal with architectural office Guallart Architects. This writes ArchDaily.

Sunny will build 100 kilometers from Beijing. It will unite the traditional European layout, modern Chinese high-rises and agricultural landscape.

“We can no longer design cities and buildings and pretend like nothing (talking about pandemic coronavirus — approx. “Of the”) did not happen,” — said the creators.

On the roofs of all the houses will place the greenhouse where they will grow food and to obtain energy from solar panels. On the first floor equipped with coworking, will install 3D printers and arrange recycling. Each building will collect rainwater and purify it before drinking.

“We developed the project during the regime of isolation, when our whole team worked from home and we decided to include all those aspects that could make our lives better quarantined”, — said the architects.

Buildings erected wooden structures with use of design technologies. The city will be residential, offices, pools, shops, food markets, kindergarten, administration, fire brigade and other objects. Each plot Sunena will make as functional as possible.