Analytical service of the Rambler heard the opinion of the Russians about how far will the unrest in Belarus in connection with the election.

More than half of the participants hope for the best.

For example, 46% of respondents believe that the protests in Belarus in the near future will come to naught, and 25% of what they do will end immediately after the elections (in the next few days).

The other part voted a completely different attitude.

20% of respondents believe that the number of protesters is only going to increase, and the meetings will continue for a very long time.

9% of the participants fear that the case goes to the civil war.

In the survey participated 7338 people.

Minsk residents intend to go to protest on the street of Nemiga. It is reported

According to the newspaper, they interviewed residents of the capital of Belarus “determined”, but don’t know what the result of today’s action.

“We will go until we are killed,” explained one of minchenok.

The participants of the survey noted that “frustrated by the actions of the opposition during yesterday’s action,” since the lack of coordination and the leader of the protest “brought all efforts to zero.”