It’s part of the ensemble of experimental public-housing complex, which was built in the late 20’s — early 30-ies of the last century, focusing on the ideals of a socialist society of the future.

Until the end of the year we will complete the restoration of a unique monument of the Soviet era — the club dining room, located at: Gogol Boulevard, 8, building 2. This building has the status of a cultural heritage object of regional importance and is part of the ensemble of experimental public-housing complex worker housing-construction cooperative Association “Exemplary construction”.

The house-commune was built in 1929-1932 by the project group architects in the composition of M. O. Barshch, V. N. Vladimirova, I. F. Milinis, A. L. Pasternak, S. L. Slavin and engineer S. V. Orlovsky. The project was created, focusing on the ideals of a socialist society of the future. In particular, the occupants of the pilot homes wanted to save from the hardships of everyday life.

“the Club dining room on the Boulevard is a very interesting monument of the Soviet era. It was built as a public space for residents of two adjacent buildings. According to the archives, the building housed a gym, club, Laundry, dining room, library and various clubs. During the restoration the monument will return to its historical appearance. The main works will be completed by the end of 2020”, — said the head of the Department of cultural heritage of Moscow Alexey Emelyanov.

Professionals will have to strengthen the supporting structures, to put in order the elements of the facades, the restoration of historic doors and Windows, to reconstruct the stairs as well as flat roof and terrace over the basement. Restorers reveal the historical entrances to the building, laid at a later time, will plaster and paint walls and ceilings, recreate ribbon Windows and canopies over entrances. Special attention is paid to return the facades of historic colors: the walls of the club dining room was originally gray.

Is now dismantling late plating and the manufacture of the brick basement.

Home-municipality of the worker housing-construction cooperative Association “Exemplary construction” consisted of three buildings. Two buildings were residential, apartment they were intended for singles and small-family tenants. The third case made public.

This two-storey building housed the club, a canteen and a gym, as well as ice-box, Laundry and technical services home commune. Originally the building had a courtyard side of the facade, double-height glazing with a terrace, not extant. From the yard side was the entrance to the enclosure.

It was assumed that tenants will spend their free time in their small apartments-cells, namely, in the third case, where the bust��acce your leisure, to eat, to cope with everyday tasks.

The communal house was connected with the Central house of workers of art. His staff held in a public housing concerts, performances, club-dining celebrated the holidays. In the same building, a library, a kindergarten, a ballet Studio and various clubs. It was assumed that this way of life was to eradicate the bourgeoisie and become the mediator of the new Soviet culture. However, the experiment failed. In the postwar years the building was rebuilt. It houses various offices.

Conservation and restoration of monuments of architecture — the most important direction in work of the Moscow cultural heritage Department. Many of the monuments are given new life: they are fit for modern use, while maintaining the historical appearance of the capital. Since 2011 the city has restored more than 1,400 objects of cultural heritage, 203 of which in 2019.