“Rostelecom” will pave a new high speed line from the Western to the Eastern borders of Russia and further to Hong Kong and Japan for 40 billion rubles, said the President of the company Mikhail Oseevsky at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. Earlier “Rostelecom” has already revealed some details of this project under the name of Thea Next.”Russia can provide the easiest and most reliable way of passing from Europe to Asia. In this regard, we are starting a big project of constructing a modern high speed line from the Western borders of Russia to Vladivostok and then a submarine cable to Hong Kong and Japan. The project scale, investment volume amounts to approximately 40 billion rubles”,— said Mr. Oseevsky.According to him, half of the tanks of the new line the company plans to use for domestic purposes, the rest for transfer of international traffic. The payback period will be five years, said the President of “Rostelecom”. “The payback period is quite pleasing to the ear and to the eye. And for potential investors”,— said Mr. Putin.Plans to build a new fibre line for the transit of Internet traffic between Europe and Asia via the territory of Russia Mikhail Oseyevsky said in April. In June, Rostelecom announced that the line will be called Thea Next (“Transit Europe—Asia the new generation”). It was reported that the total investment of JSC “Rostelecom” and its partners in the project will amount to $500 million (about 36 billion rubles).