– Collective exhibitions of local watercolorists was not long ago, and the technique is popular and loved, despite the complexity of performance, – says the exhibition curator Natalia Chalova. Height reach a few, so look at the work of professionals and to learn from them will be interesting.

According to organizers, the exhibition originally was not planned. The idea to make a gift to the city came after the removal of the regime of self-isolation.

We started light, airy, incredibly Sunny and summer – one that will help all of us to get out of a sad time, – says Director of the exhibition centre Alexey Tkachenko. – You know, the exhibition began to take shape very easily and just immediately responded to the authors, who provided an incredible amount of work. Was very organic and holistic portrait of the genre of watercolor.

Though the exhibition was organized to dispel melancholy isolation, without the work on this subject has not been. One of them was a picture of Olga Maslova-Zykina “Sadness”, reflecting the view of the courtyard from the apartment window on a cloudy April day.

Such was the longing, the hopelessness. We were not allowed to work, go on nature, too, is impossible… But I could paint. Sister took a picture of the view from his window and sent me a picture, I really got into his mood. And from angles I’ve never worked, for me it is new. Plus the architecture is difficult to work, these paintings I have very little, so “Sadness” is very important to me. I think that could convey the state – shared the story of the artist.

Another one of her work – “Fleeting encounter”. It depicts a vase of daisies on the window of the entrance. The picture was also born by chance. Olga went into the house and saw that someone decided to decorate it. Took a picture and the houses of the village for work.

– just an hour born pattern. The name arose from the sudden joy from appearing in the entrance of delicate daisies. Watercolor is the transfer of the mood of the moment. If oil need work for a long time, then this technique transfers your condition in the interval from one hour to three, then time passes, and you’re in another mood, – said Olga.

Konstantin reznitsky, Chairman of the Union of artists of Udmurtia:

We all missed watercolor – nice, soft, beautiful lyrical technique, which has always been considered an aristocratic and sophisticated. Always been very popular in England, even Churchill tried to do, but your work is not shown, but our artists are not afraid. Was very pleased to see the work of my favorite author, Vladimir Kuznetsov – they felt an inner strength that touches the depth to which you can fail. Very good prospects for a young author Olga Maslova-Zykina: it is clear that the artist is growing.