Starting a working meeting, the head of state asked to report on the socio-economic situation in Moscow region as a whole. “But still I would like to start with one of the most important sectors, he added, – with the building and with the need to address the problems of citizens – participants of shared construction”. The President noted that in the Moscow region of such people is quite a lot so far – 24.5 thousand.

“This issue is longstanding, since the beginning of 2000-ies, – reminded sparrows. And only the deceived shareholders for 2000-2015 was about 104 thousand.” Difficulties with the housing 80 thousand people managed to solve it, the Governor said. This was due to the work on each affected building, the region was leading with the government of the Russian Federation and with the company HOUSE.Of the Russian Federation. “And with your help-specific objects,” – said Vorobyov. He reminded that Vladimir Putin “personally accompanied” the adoption of the important law on escrow accounts. Talking about special Bank accounts opened for the settlement between the buyer of an apartment in a newly built house and the Builder. Thanks to this law, I am sure the sparrows, now “no risk of new deceived shareholders”. As a result of monitoring by banks “everything fell into place,” he said.

“How are you supposed how long to solve the problem defrauded real estate investors?” – addressed to the other party by the President. “Vladimir Vladimirovich, we will solve the problem of defrauded co-investors, I think, in the next three years, – said Vorobyov. – Of course, if we will continue to work with the HOUSE.Of the Russian Federation”. He said that the region already “has a plan”. “This year we will issue 15 500 keys, he stressed. – And next year should not reduce the rate. If so will go, if not two, then for three years this topic should just once and for all to close”. Vladimir Putin said that he remembered the words of the Governor.

the sparrows in the meeting raised another issue relating to the housing sector, this time associated with lending. “We ask that the measure which you have proposed for a discounted mortgage, continued it is now until November, the Governor said. If such opportunities are, then it would, of course, victory.” The decision to introduce a benefit for buyers, he said, has helped the developers on the backdrop of severe economic turbulence, which has caused pandemic coronavirus. If such a program began, “the construction company could just fall to one side,” remarked Sparrow.

Today, according to the head of the region, Moscow region, apartments for sale 130-150 a day and 80 percent of them – at a discounted mortgage. The participants of this program pay the rent for 6-10 thousand rubles a month less than before. Depending on the cost of housing mortgage payments make up 40 to 48 thousand. Note that the program of loans at 6.5 percent, the government launched in April to CA��the EU ETS one of the measures of market support in the period of the pandemic. In June, Vladimir Putin proposed to increase the credit limit for participants in the program from 8 million to 12 million rubles in the Moscow region, Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad region, and from 3 million to 6 million rubles – in other regions. And recently the government has reduced from 20 to 15 percent down payment. Also increased the total amount of credits that can be issued by banks for this program, with 740 billion to 900 billion rubles.