the Program of Charter transportations from Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk to Sochi and Simferopol were launched in early July. Planes had to fly several times a week until the end of October. The flight started airline “Russia” in cooperation with the tour operator “Biblio Globus”.
to Purchase the plane ticket was only possible in the part of a tourist package, but the far East is not stopped, because the price was attractive. “In early July tours for a week could buy 20 thousand per person, – told the travel agent Anastasia Gavrilyuk. – Alone airline tickets for scheduled flights are twice as expensive. The planes were flying full. Why now the flight stops, nobody knows”.
the press service of the Vladivostok airport, the correspondent “RG” have confirmed that Charter flights are flying the last week. But further details abstained. And at the airport of Khabarovsk the situation is made comments readily, assuring that they will fight for a popular destination. It is only in July at the resorts of the Black sea and went more than seven thousand in the far East.
Representatives of the Khabarovsk airport has prepared a proposal for the optimization of a travel program and has requested the assistance of the Federal tourism Agency.
“the Decision to terminate the Charter service took tour operator. We reported this last week, but what is the reason, not explained, – said the Deputy Minister of culture of Khabarovsk Krai – the Chairman of Committee on tourism Vitaly Selyukov. – Immediately reported to the acting Governor. He has already signed a letter to the head of the Federal tourism Agency Zarina Doguzova with a request to resolve the issue. We expect a positive decision. In any case, the process will take some time, but I hope that this period will be minimal.”
Meanwhile, a compromise solution has already been found. “On my instructions, held talks with the leadership of “Biblio Globus” – said the acting Governor of the Khabarovsk Krai Mikhail Degtyarev. Did you decide on this situation. After August 20, in agreement with the tourists and without any additional payments the company has come back to Khabarovsk connecting flights. Docking will take place two to five hours at Sheremetyevo airport. If tourists don’t want to fly with a transfer after August 20, the company provides a return of 100 percent of the money. With all passengers now being negotiated. I will keep the issue under control”.
the far East I really hope that in the end will be able to keep direct flights. And they will be able to relax on the black sea coast not only this year but in future holiday seasons.