So, the first law States that the new commitments could enter into force only twice a year – either March 1 or September 1 (right now they take effect almost daily). Every six years they must again be evaluated and revised, if it turns out that they are outdated or have become disproportionately onerous. The law introduces the principle of the enforceability of mandatory requirements – if they are too costly, then even a good end cannot justify their introduction. These principles will constantly work legislatively fixed mechanism of “regulatory guillotine”.

the Essence of the second law – the rejection of cane, in which the inspectors work is evaluated by the number of issued reports of violations. Punishment for violators will remain, but the priority should be given to prevention, consultation, and work supervisors will be evaluated on prevented damage to legally protected values. For example, if consumer complaints or fires becomes smaller, so the controllers are working fine.

“to limit the number of checks and make the tools of the Supervisory bodies more flexible, we have enshrined in law the new types of control measures. This, for example, monitoring the procurement or inspection visit that lasts no more than one day and not so labor-intensive for entrepreneurs, as a test,” – said earlier the state Secretary – Deputy Minister of economic development Alexei Khersontsev. Moreover, some types of control will be carried out in a digital format. The business will monitor and then make a decision about the inspection.

the Law establishes the main principles the risk-based approach: the higher the potential threat, the stronger the attention of the supervisors and Vice versa. As explained in the Ministry of economic development, the objects of the categories of high and significant risk will be subject to planned control only once in two years. The business will be able to affect the risk category, says the Vice-President “Support of Russia” Marina bludyan. For example, if the entrepreneur voluntarily insured his liability, he will be moved to a category with a lower risk, which altogether provides an exemption from routine inspection.

If the inspector will perform actions that are forbidden in the framework of control activities, this will entail the abolition of all decisions in this event draws attention to another provision of the law, the President Trading-industrial chamber of Russia Sergey Katyrin. Previously, such actions do not lead to serious aftereffects for inspection.

According to Katyrin also introduces a ban on holding additional unscheduled activities after the planned. “Before the introduction of this norm ��inspector had the right to conduct additional events, if he thought he could miss something. This could certainly cause the growth of administrative burden on individuals,” – said Katyrin. In addition, of the nine types of unplanned events six must be carried out exclusively with the consent from the Prosecutor’s office.

the mandatory requirements will come into force from 1 November, full get it working, when will enter into force the law on control and supervision – July 1, 2021. By that time, the Ministry of economic development together with the relevant departments and business will prepare the necessary by-laws. From 1 July 2021 will also start the formation of unified register of the types of Federal, regional and municipal control. The work will be completed by 2022.