Meat consumption per capita could decline by nearly 3 percent in 2020, what will be the biggest reduction since at least 2000. More “gives way” for beef, millions of people around the world have already decided to abandon it. This will unsubscribe Bloomberg.

The share of beef in total meat production is clearly reduced: from 39 per cent in 1961 to 20 percent in 2018. It affects the reduction of welfare, experts say. The share of pork has not changed — 35 percent. The entire increase was in chicken — from 11 to 34 percent of the total production.

Beef consumption peaked in the late 1970-ies, the newspaper writes. Emissions from the production of this meat is about 10 times higher than from pork or chicken. Reducing harm to the environment will be crucial in the future, as agriculture accounts for 18.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Previously, the largest retailer Walmart started to sell artificial meat in two thousand of its stores across America. Analysts of the company “EFKO” predicts that 10 percent of the meat in the world in the next 10 years will be artificial.

On the background of the coronavirus in the US the meat is turned into food for the rich. Because of the pandemic in the country has decreased the amount of processing of meat in the grocery stores to empty shelves, and wealthy people began to buy organic meat, which is much more expensive.