“We are ready to consider distribution of insurance premiums on non-medical workers. But first, should be provided clear criteria governing the occurrence of the insured event,” – said Deputy Minister of health Oleg Salagai on the “round table”, devoted to payments to physicians. He explained that doctors now this criterion is considered to work with patients infected COVID-19 or suspected infection.

the Finance Ministry promised within ten days to prepare the calculations: how much funds required in the case of increasing the number of recipients of insurance payments.

Today, 12% of workers in hospitals and clinics are not nurses, but are also involved in providing medical care and contact with patients. For example, in the room where patients go to electricians, plumbers, it professionals.

Deputy Chairman of the trade Union of health Michael Andronikov said that the results of monitoring, which took place in 52 regions, since the beginning of the epidemic of the coronavirus fell ill 32 243 employee healthcare, of which about four thousand are not medical workers and one third are employees of dispensaries and superprofesionaly under COVID-19 hospitals. They are not covered under insurance benefits.

He stressed that the indemnity should extend to all who in spite of a difficult epidemiological situation is forced to go to work in a medical facility.

Now payments are ordered by the special Commission. It may not be less than three persons, which must be the employer and the representative of the social insurance Fund (SIF). To establish the validity of the assignment of insurance payments she needs for the day, and all doubts should be interpreted in favor of the medical worker.

If the disease is caused by COVID-19, led to temporary disability, the payment amount will be 68 811 rubles, with permanent loss of health which led to disability group III, – 688 113 rubles. The payout will increase to 376 1 226 roubles in case it is established II group of disability and up to 2 064 339 rubles, if the health care provider will be disabled and groups. In the case of death compensation in the amount of 2 452 752 rubles will receive relatives. Just the Federal budget for financing the payments are subject to 11.5 billion rubles, 4.4 billion reported to the FSS, of which 2.5 billion were paid to victims of coronavirus providers by 31 July.