“the Pandemic is still among us, therefore, assumed to be held with a number of conditions which must be obeyed by all who come to the mosque,” he appealed to his flock mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Samigullin. And the Spiritual administration of Muslims of the Republic encouraged the imams to hold prayers outside the premises. “Please don’t hold a big celebration, inviting many guests,” – said in the appeal of the mufti of Dagestan. With the same instructions – to observe security measures – addressed, and other Muftis.

health standards in mosques could not gather more than a hundred people, so most of the parishioners had to pray in the yard. Over the observance of mask mode and distance in the mosques followed strictly. Also held direct broadcast Eid.

the Main Cathedral mosque in Simferopol is still under construction, and the prayers spent in the House of culture of trade unions. Here, hundreds of Muslims from all over the Crimea, to perform Eid prayers and wish each other happiness and prosperity.

The Eid al-Adha Muslims also commit the slaughter of a sacrificial animal, paying tribute to the feat of prophet Ibrahim, who revealed the highest degree of righteousness and love to God. Often sacrifice a sheep. The meat is divided into three parts, one of which left for the family, another given to relatives and neighbors, and a third to the poor.

In Bashkiria have created a unified platform for slaughtering the sacrificial animals. At the entrance of the believers temperature was measured. Was struck markup for social distance. Volunteers from the spiritual centers were handing out masks, and the inputs are equipped with sanitizers. Another feature of this year – at the sites banned trade and cooking. Similar security measures are taken in other regions.

In Dagestan it was possible to make an order for the sheep remotely. And pick up the meat at a convenient time or arrange home delivery. In Derbent patrons have allocated money for the purchase of sacrificial animals for the poor. And the entrepreneurs of Belogorsk in the Crimea together with the Muslim community held a charity event: about 700 sweet gifts were handed over to pupils of kindergartens.

“Our life is made up of relations, – said the mufti of Crimea Hajji Emirali Ablaev. – Brother and sisters, parents and children, the elderly and grandchildren, friends and neighbors. The person who did this good deed is sure to be rewarded, and that’s why we need to be kinder to each other.”