Confidentiality of records is provided by the companies-developers of voice assistants. But if the user device get malicious software, it is not excluded that it will be able to record and send it to third party servers "hackers," said the Agency "Prime" the consultant information security company "infosistemy Dzhet" Alexander Rogozin.

"as a result, this can lead to the fact that cyber criminals will be able to get any information, since any passwords to the content of the negotiations at business meetings. It all depends on the user and the attacker" — says the expert.

He noted that any device with a microphone, a priori, can record the surrounding sounds, be it a phone or smart column. As a rule, they installed a voice assistant, which is a voice recording and sends it to the server for recognition. In recognition of voice queries or commands entry can be stored on the server and be used, for example, for contextual advertising.