Today the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky was “noted” at the morning service in the Kiev Cathedral of St. Sophia. Reason for admittance to the atheist temple, built in 1036 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in the place of victory of Rus over the Pechenegs, the more than than significant. The day of memory of Holy Prince Vladimir and the baptism of Rus ‘ Day celebrated in Russia and Ukraine on a par with national holidays.
the Facebook page of the Chernivtsi regional state administration on definition, could not respond to the “nameday” of the Ukrainian President. As “a humble gift from the heart” its the admins posted a short video Jogging Zelensky Governor of the region 48-summer Sergey Oscomm. The event took place on 8 July, when Vladimir made the first of his bureaucratic life of a working visit to Bukovina. That is, the installation of another “vidosik” demanded a very hard hard work for almost 3 weeks. The people responded in his own style. “… and then my tears welled up… of the Crane there…”, “by the Way, why the streets are deserted? All the local dispersed to this …the video with his entourage took off?”.
User Twittera c the name “Tired of being right” drew attention to the time codes on the video posted: “according to them, they are in fact nonsense doing, not running”. The same conclusion came another careful user of the social network: “Start 7:22, finish 8:08. 45 minutes to run! And there the street 150 meters high”.
Chernivtsi, which is also called “little Vienna”, located on the South-West of Ukraine at a distance of 40 kilometers from the border with Romania.