Muscovites will be fined for cow parsnip. Citizens who are not removed from your site are thickets of Hogweed Sosnowski, will be required to pay a fine in the amount from two to five thousand rubles. The relevant law was received by the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin. The document is published on the official website of the mayor.
the Law establishes the obligation of land owners to take measures for the removal of Sosnowski’s Hogweed from their land. The Muscovites, who did not fight with Hogweed, will be punished ruble. Administrative fine for citizens will be from two to five thousand rubles for officials – from 20 to 50 thousand rubles for legal entities – from 150 to 700 thousand rubles.
the Law is designed to prevent and suppress the overgrowing of lands of Moscow by Sosnowski’s Hogweed, which in 2015 was included in the “Sectoral classifier of weeds”. Natural foci of growth of Hogweed are found in almost every area. Annually in medical institutions of the capital drawn a large number of people with complaints of burns caused by the juice of this dangerous plant.
According to the law, to remove the Sosnowski’s Hogweed in any way: to dig out, mow or use chemicals.