Archaeologists University in the excavations found two rare Swedish Bastion of the redoubt Dating back to the period of the Northern war. Scientists have found objects on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland on the Cape Colgone. On opening the press service of the University.

Found by researchers earthen redoubts consist of an inner platform, the rampart with a parapet (embankment) and of the moat. Each side of the southern fortifications has a length of about 59 meters. The Northern redoubt was badly damaged — it was only from the East corner and part of the inner platforms, of the shaft and the moat. Despite this, archaeologists have been able to conclusively date the redoubt period from XVII to XVIII century. Also the area around the fortifications, the researchers found lead bullets and part of the body hand grenades, which were also used at the time.

In the vicinity of Cape Colgone have been a number of events of military history. The most significant of them — a battle in October 1708. It was the final stage of the campaign corps of General Georg Lybecker. In August 1708, the General came from Vyborg, which then belonged to Sweden, to capture Petersburg. This attempt of capture of the Northern capital turned out to be the brightest of all that was in the Northern war.

“the Case has moved on to the Swedish Royal route, which largely follows the current Vyborg highway, and then began to work in Petersburg from the East. In the area of the modern village Korchmino 30 August there was a battle with Russian troops during the crossing of the river, — says researcher of the laboratory of archaeology, St. Petersburg, Kirill Shmelev. — Swedish case defeated the enemy, crossed the river and headed towards Ingermanland. Perhaps it was the last success of General George Lueker during the campaign. Ingermanlandia was already badly ravaged by war — she could not support a large army. Then George Lueker decides to escape to the West, the Baltic, most of the territory which still belonged to Sweden. However, on the way to Narva, the way the case was barred by Russian troops. So the General decided to evacuate waterways. To do this, he sent a squadron”.

Swedish body headed North, to the coast of the Gulf of Finland, and camped near the village Krivorozhe on the Soikinsky Peninsula. The center of concentration of the Swedish squadron was the Cape Colgone. The evacuation of this place was complicated by the fact that nearby was quite small — ships could not approach the shore. However, this place had a significant advantage, because the distance to the ships that had to sail the boat, it was in this part much less. Besides it was more convenient to keep the defense of a small space in the headland.

At the same time, Russian troops under the command of Admiral Fyodor Apraxin approached with the enemy. Before boarding the ships the Swedes had to kill all their horses 6,000 horses — after all, to take them was impossible, and enemies to give too.

“we Found the redoubts were established to protect the evacuation of the body, they covered up the only passage to the Cape. Fortifications were defended by units of the Swedish prisoners recruited by the Saxons. A considerable part of the Saxons, by the way, deserted and surrendered to the Russians. But, covering the landing on ships, they have shown themselves heroically from the two battalions were captured a little more than a hundred people, they stood to the last,” — said Shmelev.

Russian researchers now plan to continue the analysis of the battlefield. In particular, they want to carry out underwater excavations in the area of Cape Colgone and to find the graves of combatants. Also in the plans of scientists to figure out the exact location of the Swedish coast camp. The result may be a complex reconstruction of the field of battle.