Indexing is associated with the increase of excise rates for alcohol content of ethyl alcohol over 9 percent, and inflation.

So, the rates of excise duty on alcohol more than 9 speed to 2021 will be increased from 544 to 566 rubles (about 4 percent) per liter of anhydrous ethanol. And inflation, according to the forecast of Ministry of economic development, in 2020 will be 4 percent, is spoken in the explanatory note to the draft order of the Ministry of Finance.

Thus, the selling price per bottle of vodka (0.5 liters) with a strength of 40 degrees from the factory (with excise duty and VAT) will be 200,11 of the ruble, from wholesalers it will cost 206,29 rubles, and retail – 238,43 of the ruble. In 2020, the minimum price of a bottle of vodka was 230 rubles.

the Minimum price for a bottle of brandy (0,5 liter) of the manufacturer should be 352 of the ruble, wholesale cognac will cost 370 rubles, retail – 446 rubles (in 2020 – 443 rubles). Brandy from the manufacturer will cost 256 rubles for a bottle of 0,5 liter, from wholesalers – 269 rubles in stores – 324 rubles (in this year – 315 rubles). However, due to lower demand for cognac and brandy trade allowances will be lower than on vodka, explained in the document of the Ministry of Finance.