“we Have a huge number of Russian citizens who are abroad, hundreds of thousands of people. They live there, work, learn, they have a joint family. And every day these people something happens, good and bad: children are born, unfortunately, leave family, sick”, – said Zakharov. According to her, the Russians at any time, you may need to urgently get in Russia.

According to the latest data, at the beginning of the pandemic coronavirus in Russia due to the export flights back over 266 thousand people.

According to Zakharov, the implementation of this program, Russia has used the experience of the United States, Germany and many other countries. “We learned something, somewhere something was watching, somewhere that was copied, but the result is our own scheme,” – said the diplomat.

the Representative of the Russian foreign Ministry recalled that Russia has carried out export activities not only for Russian citizens, but also assisted the family members of Russian citizens with another citizenship. Moscow collaborated with, for example, diplomats and official representatives of Georgia and Ukraine. “This program has United not only all of us, but unites us with those diplomats, those officials, those activists from countries with which we have, in General, there are major political problems and differences,” – said Zakharov.

She also expressed gratitude to Belarus and several other countries for assistance in obtaining transit and flight documents.