Under the new rules of rendering of services of public catering, developed by CPS, catering will not be included in the expense expenses not related to cost of goods.

We are talking about tips, commissions, etc. In case of violation, the consumer can demand the return paid on such expenses the amount.

In the explanatory note to the document States that the new rules developed under the "regulatory guillotine" and are designed to replace regulations that will expire in 2021.

In addition, the draft provides for the possibility of remote ordering. In this case, customers are entitled to use the e-book reviews and applications. Records can be deleted only after six months from the date of entry, if the text contains swearing, insults or other forbidden by the law information.

The school is also obliged to show customers information about services including price of service and payment terms, information about the content in food of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. Monitoring of compliance with the new rules will implement the CPS.