a March “Immortal regiment of Russia” – a big mass action, which has already become traditional in recent years, it is highly likely, and not “materialized” in 2020. At a meeting held July 16, the “Immortal regiment” was decided due to the current situation with coronavirus to cancel this event, previously scheduled for July 26th. On possible options for future plans, we asked one of the leaders of this public organization.
Today online a meeting of the Central staff, says the head of the Executive Committee of all-Russian public Patriotic movement “Immortal regiment of Russia” Artem Khutorskoy. – As a result, it was decided not to hold a procession on July 26.
As you know, this date instead of the traditional day may 9, proposed last spring, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. However, he stressed that it is necessary to make a final decision taking into account the actual epidemiological situation in the country.
branch of the “Immortal regiment” in almost all regions of the country, and we with our colleagues on the ground, with the help of specialists of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance are constantly monitoring the epidemiological situation. Unfortunately, when a pre-scheduled date is less than two weeks, it is clear that not everywhere is rather favourable conditions for such mass action. According to medical professionals, the organization of the March of “Immortal regiment” is possible only when providing specific measures of sanitary-epidemiological security, which guarantees the safety of the participants, – the use of masks, gloves, respect for people social distance. But all this contradicts the spirit of our March. Because the participants of “Immortal regiment” eager shoulder to shoulder, feeling the universal unity. Therefore, it was taken today the Central headquarters of the decision to cancel the July 26 March “Immortal regiment”.
But maybe it was worth to spend at least the better coronavirus fields?
– This local organization is also contrary to the traditions of our Movement. After the procession it was always that popular. And here… Where I go, carrying portraits of their veterans, where it is not allowed… No, that’s impossible.
some hypothetical new date of March Central headquarters is scheduled? There was information that is now received offers to hold it on 2 September, the day of the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second world…
– We are your solution just stated that on July 26, the “Immortal regiment” will be held. No new probable dates not named.
co – chair of the Central headquarters of your national actor of the USSR Vasily Lanovoi already offerl to move the procession on may 9 next year…
– this makes a lot of sense. In fact in Russia, many former Soviet republics, almost no one, in whose heart, in my soul the feast of Victory would be associated with the 9th of may. It is clear that the March of “Immortal regiment” since the appearance was always tied to this significant date. So the farther we were obliged to remote the day of the March “Immortal regiment” from the may holiday, the less organic for many people is such an action.
– That is, the probability that in the current year the March “Immortal regiment” in real, not virtual his incarnation did not take place?
– While talking about it early. I repeat, we are constantly monitoring the situation with epidemiological situation. And do not stop to engage in the preparations for the procession. So, if favorable circumstances in the Russian regions, multi-million dollar March “Immortal regiment” will be held in the remaining months 2020.