the Bill with proposals to modify standard transfer of funds in the budget for compensation of damages caused to water objects of the Federal property, had already passed its second reading by the state Duma.
Changes are associated with the need to ensure transparent and fair mechanism to perform the obligations of companies depending on the ownership form of the object that caused harm and increased control by the Federal center for execution of works on restoration of eccredi.
“When parsing the recent increase in incidents we see decaying infrastructure, which is simply not modernizarea enterprises. Lack of investment and commitment of companies leads to real environmental consequences and damage to Federal water bodies. Of course, in this case, involved Federal resources for rapid localization and elimination of consequences. “Patch the hole” begins the Federal budget. Penalties and subsequent payments should rightly be reimbursed to the property owner who has suffered harm. But the means must be “painted” and go exclusively to the solution of environmental problems. The existing order does not allow it,” said Victoria Abramchenko.
the Amendments will provide a single principle – damages to the property owner. In the case of harm to water objects being in the Federal ownership, funds in the full amount will be credited to the Federal budget. For all water bodies belonging to the regions or municipalities, the entire payment will be credited to the appropriate budgets.