“we Believe that by 2030 it will be a completely new custom, quickly adaptable, flexible, intellectually stimulating, the system can handle large amounts of data,” – said Bulavin during the conversation with the head of state. According to him, the main mission “numbers” is linked to customs, foreign partners, carriers.

“I Believe that this will substantially expedite customs transactions to make customs procedures for business simple, convenient and fast”, – stressed the head of the FCS. So, one of the projects planned in the development strategy of the Customs service until 2030 – is a one-time customs control.

“a Similar experiment with our Chinese colleagues carried out. That is, we have representation in China, which examines a particular container for compliance stated in the Declaration of the consignment, make my mark, and then the container is free to pass our border,” – said Bulavin.

In the strategy-2030 also provides for the formation of intellectual checkpoint. “We would like to procedure with all measuring, test equipment were concentrated on a single platform, which would be customs, other regulatory inspection agencies, carriers”, – told about the plans of the head of the FCS.

According to him, ultimately it should allow for the uninterrupted passage at the checkpoint. “In fact, it is the transition from e-customs that we have today, to the intellectual customs, which we will have in 2030,” – said Bulavin.

From 2018 to 2020 is the reform of the system of customs authorities. As a result, in Russia the centers of electronic Declaration, which is now issued 84% of all returns, and by the end of the year plans to increase this figure to 95%, said Bulavin.

the head of the FCS also spoke about the reduction in the number of customs offices from 84 to 66, allowing the money saved to provide support for produce inspectors of centers of electronic Declaration. “Brought their salaries to the salaries of the employee. It’s somewhere around 60 thousand, including bonuses even a little bit more happening,” he said.

the reform also provided an opportunity to improve the control of the customs authorities, the head of the FCS. “That is when we had 600 places of customs clearance, to manage them from a single center was extremely difficult given the distances in our country. Now 16”, – he explained.

Speaking about the current agenda, the head of the FCS, told the President that are expected to intensify foreign economic activity in the second half of the year.

“the Forecast assignment year 5 trillion 480 billion. Due to the fact that our economy is substantial support, we expect that allwill be the same and the intensification of foreign economic activity. Until December is still far away, too early, but we will strive forward-looking mission to fulfill,” – said Bulavin. He noted that the dynamics of the last month is quite good, especially that import payments are a little ahead in spite of the fact that imports also decreased.

“nevertheless optimistic about the future, the situation should be corrected, as it will open the border, the trade flow will increase,” – said the head of the FCS.

following the meeting, Vladimir Putin said that really made a lot, as the custom is changing. “Work until 2030, more needs to be done. Indeed, the first steps made in the right direction. I want to wish you good luck,” – said the head of state.