The station was built at the request of local residents. The work continued for two years with special technology, that allows not to stop the movement of trains.

Kur’yanovo is located between stations moskvoreche and Pererva. For passengers was made an island platform with a canopy, a pedestrian tunnel and flyover. The station will enable residents of the districts of Maryino and Printers three times to save some time. A distinctive feature of the new station WDC-2 "Kur’yanovo" additionally built land transition.

In the future, in the framework of the program “My region” will be also reorganized the industrial area of Kur’yanovo, which is on the Road. They want to build a residential quarter, school, kindergartens, as well as to improve the waterfront. Part of the new homes will be designed to move residents of the Printers under the program of renovation.