“Laws of robotics”, Asimov’s, and “451 °F” Bradbury seemed the appearance of pure fiction, but also the creators came to life. Surviving to 2012 Bradbury made and color panoramas of Mars, and the world information network, and how strangely true his dire warnings about the death of books and walls of TV screens that replace reality. If you suddenly become uncomfortable with self-fulfilling prophecies of science fiction, remember that fiction is not only a seismograph recording vibrations, but the Navigator routing. And what would lead arrow of the Navigator depends on us.
the Man and his feelings – this is the main driving force that can turn life into a fantastic adventure, and any, even the most fantastic invention to make a reality. And our fantastic and postpandemic summer is the best time to dream and reflect on what lies ahead.
to Appreciate the flight of the reader’s imagination will be a professional jury: writer and critic Roman Arbitman, the Creator of the book of the show “cat Brodsky” Olga Aristova, writer and overlooked “the Russian newspaper” Paul Basinki, chief-editor of Gadoterate.Of the Russian Federation Mikhail Wiesel, writers Oleg Divov, Vadim Panov and.
the Winner will receive a ticket to the weekly holiday for two at one of the resorts of the black sea coast of the Caucasus in the autumn and winter season 2020-2021 years.
we Remind that the competition accepts only original stories, written in Russian, up to 10 thousand characters with spaces. Stories should be sent to the email address konkurs@godlitertarury.ru from 6 July to 15 August.
the stories of the First participants are already published on the portal Gadoterate.Of the Russian Federation. The authors explore a new world suddenly blown out to the size of the apartment, learn to feel each other through the small screen of a smartphone, trying to hear a faint idea of fleas and remembering what it feels like to feel again the warmth of the human body, not hidden by a mask and special protection.
And what of the bizarre worlds are able to lead your fantasy?