Intelligent traffic lights, cameras that recognize faces, digital assistants in the smartphone – all built on the technologies of AI. The work of such technologies should be regulated by government, but in Russia such laws and regulations do not exist.

the economic development Ministry has drafted a bill on the so-called digital sandbox – an experimental legal regimes within which it is possible to estimate, as are those or other requirements to the developers and the users of AI. In mid-may, the bill passed its first reading in the state Duma, but then stalled.

His “digital sandbox” launched in Moscow on 1 July 2020. The objective of the experiment is to identify the aspects of city life in which you need to implement the AI, and determine what changes are needed to existing legislation. The experiment will operate for five years.

the development of the AI must be reflected in the national project “Digital economy”, but the project is devoted to the AI is still being developed. In early July the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has charged to finish his training until 31 August 2020.

ALII offer designers the AI not to wait for change and to commit themselves to ethical and other rules. This is a kind of Hippocratic oath for those who will access the data of citizens.

Such a Charter already exists abroad, and under them “signed” large companies such as Facebook and Google, said Roman Vasiliev, President of ALII. Charter offers to minimize the use of personal data, to respect the principle of inviolability of private life, to prevent the arms race, to ensure the transparency of technology.

the Artificial intelligence is able to delve deep into the bowels of the earth, before detecting the invisible professionals deposits. The world’s first “digital” oil the company produced in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district has long operated on Vyngapurovskoye field. AI revealed hidden reserves, analyzing the accumulated since the beginning of the development of Vyngapurovskoye a huge array of data as well as information on other hydrocarbon assets, including 60 thousand parameters. Additional costs for exploration works and construction of industrial infrastructure is not required, notes the office of information communications of the company.

In the working portfolio, “Gazprom oil” for over a thousand IT projects. Average project development time deposits reduced from 12 to 7 years. In addition, the company has gone from “manual processing” of magnetograms field pipelines. For prompt detection and elimination of defects the process is automated and is under the control of AI. “Before the interpretation of the magnetograms took months, is now quite literally hours. Many times has accelerated the development of geological models and improved toquality: people get tired, make mistakes, machine – no”, – says Andrey Belevtsev, coordinating the business of digital transformation.

Tomsk regional Oncology center completed testing of the AI from Sberbank for the analysis of mammographic images. The virtual breast is able to quickly process huge volumes of images. AI almost instantly determines if the patient requires a biopsy. This will allow the individual to undergo a mammogram and biopsy in one visit, without departing from the mammography unit. Mobile mammography team comes back from scan RAID on the districts of the Tomsk region with several thousand images. Their evaluation requires time that could be spent on treatment. AI will significantly reduce the time of examination and more accurate diagnosis.

Experiment with AI in the Tomsk Oncology center lasted almost two months. To participate in the trials were invited to the Tomsk doctors with different work experience and 250 anonymous patients. “Physicians evaluated the images of the patients were determined by pathological processes, setting the category of malignancy, – told “RG” in the Department of health of Tomsk region. Doctors had to meet at a certain time. This work was done and artificial intelligence”. Now scientists compare the results of real doctors and their virtual assistant. “If the experiment shows that the AI in the diagnosis is no worse, and maybe better than a man, the Oncology center will start operation of the second authoritative opinion”, – said acting head of the Department of radiology of the Tomsk Oncology center Eugene Karpov. After the pilot project in Tomsk artificial intelligence will be embedded in medical practice and in other Russian regions.

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