The United States will try to convince allies to withdraw from the Treaty on open skies, if they would follow the example of Washington, the fate of the Treaty will be sealed and he will cease to exist, said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.
"We regret this decision, we consider it absolutely unjustified. The reasons why the US made this decision, is unacceptable. The attempt to impose on Russia the responsibility for this decision unfair. We emphasize that we have a series of serious claims to the United States and some its allies, and some States-US customers, in the sense that they do not fulfill or not completely fulfill the requirements of the contract," Ryabkov said in an interview, "Duma-TV".
According to him, the US is trying to get rid of any restrictions in the sphere of arms control and Washington believes "fundamentally it is permissible to move in the direction of finding ways to provide for themselves an indisputable military advantage".
"They don’t reach, because any action always has a reaction. We have repeatedly proven, including in recent years that we have effective system for ensuring their own safety by the military and technological means" – the Russian diplomat said.
"by withdrawing from the Treaty, the US may well be, judging by their behavior lately, to try to bring some of its allies. If this happens, then of course, the fate of the Treaty will be sealed and he will cease to exist", – said Ryabkov.
In late may, the President of the United States Donald trump said that the United States out of the Treaty on open skies. The agreement was signed in 1992 and became one of the measures for strengthening confidence in Europe after the cold war. It has been operating since 2002 and allows the participating countries to openly gather information about military forces and activities of each other. Parties to the Treaty to the last time was 34 States. The reason for the US withdrawal from the steel agreement, according to Washington, his repeated violations by Russia. In particular, the United States accused Moscow of the fact that she uses "Open sky" tool "military coercion". Russia has repeatedly denied accusations by the U.S. in breach of contract.