American molecular biologists have found that the liver physically active people and mice produces large amounts of protein Gpld1, which rejuvenates the brain and improves cognitive function, writes the journal Science.

“Honestly, I did not expect that we will open the molecule, which is associated with almost all the positive aspects of the impact of charging on the brain. We thought that physical exercises may cause many small changes in his work that brings a big plus. For this reason, I was absolutely amazed by the first results of our experiments,” reports TASS the words of Saul Villeda, associate Professor, University of California, San Francisco.

Villeda and his colleagues discovered the “white athlete”, which improves the performance of brain cells, watching how the various genes and proteins in the brain of mice that spent every day for a few tens of minutes on the treadmill.

It is clarified that injection of this protein had a beneficial effect. Experiments showed that almost all of the beneficial effects of the transfusion of “young” blood that are associated with improved brain function, was generated by the Gpld1 protein molecules.

The increase of its concentration in the body leads to the fact that in the hippocampus, the memory center, begin to form new nerve cells, and inside of existing neurons included chain genes responsible for the destruction of protein “trash” and the rejuvenation of the cells. This improved the functioning of the whole brain and increased cognitive abilities of older rodents.

Scientists suggest that its molecules penetrate into other organs and cause them to develop a set of signaling substances, which are able to cross the barrier between the brain and the circulatory system and force it to update itself. Subsequent experiences, as I hope Villeda and his colleagues will help to understand how exactly this happens.

Previously, scientists-cardiologists from the University of California have discovered a key protein that helps the heart to regulate the flow of oxygen and blood flow, restoring the damage.