the Federation Council held a “financial-a profitable conversation”, how to evaluate its results by the organizers. At the meeting of the Committee on science, education and culture officials from different regions asked each of his, and some of their requests to satisfy. As noted by the moderator of the conversation Liliya Gumerova, “the entire budget of the Ministry of culture will blow”. Our long-suffering culture is always in need, and the pandemic only increased her troubles.
All subsequent large events, apparently, although it would go offline, but with the experience online, developed in the period of the pandemic. It is amazing that it is still a big problem is the lack of connection of many cultural institutions in the country to the Internet. In the old days some theaters did not have a Fax machine, and had to send the documents to the local Executive committees. It turns out that almost nothing has changed since then, except that in place of the Fax was an Internet.
representatives of the regions asked if legislated a one-time transition to a special mode of work of cultural institutions in case of emergencies. When it comes to libraries, they may move quickly to electronic format. But how to be with the theatrical and concert organizations that have no copyright on the broadcast of performances and concerts, is unclear. By the way, online communication with organizations of culture Ministry of culture has been an unprecedented close during a pandemic, so that from the mouth of the official made a stunning phrase: “of Such a relationship we never had with the industry”.
the Leaders of the cultural sphere of the Nenets Autonomous district referred to the lack of year-round message, which leads to the fact that some materials in remote Arctic zone in time are not available. Zabaykalsky Krai asked the Finance Ministry for additional funds for the reconstruction of Gostiny Dvor in Nerchinsk and datsan. The Chita theatre of dolls “the Kingdom”, even according to mikulowski officials, is in terrible condition. It is planned to allocate 252 million roubles in 2024 for its revival.
In Yaroslavl region is also the financial problems. How to be a House of culture, located in a 200 year old Cathedral where the entrance is via a part of the altar? And two children’s theatre and puppet theatre — located in the same building for forty years who did not know the overhaul.
the Monuments of wooden architecture, as it turns out, is not the brainchild of the Ministry of culture. To them, as was said by the representative from Tomsk, cool. The Ministry of culture in response has promised to allocate annually for maintenance of 500 million rubles.
Much has been said about schools, obviously, after a loud public resonance which is impossible to ignore. Efforts��and the Ministry of culture restored the dismissed during a pandemic the employees of arts and culture in Kovrov. Olga Lyubimova assured that in 36 regions repair 151 the school.
29 Jun burned the Vladimir regional drama theatre with 170 years of history, and this, according to Minister of culture Olga Lyubimova, our common grief and tragedy. His building was about to reopen, and now it’s important to find funds for the restoration. The Ministry of culture has promised to do all in his power. According to estimates of Vladimir officials need more than 72 million to support local cultural institutions.
Since everybody needs money, the Ministry of culture has requested of 9.10 billion rubles from the Finance Ministry and “sent this need and this pain” on purpose. And also promised not to cut grant-based support of regions.
for the First time in the entire history of the cultural Department compiled a register of private theatres. All documentation to support them in August will be sent to the government. You may ask for a one-time grant. Private museums also will combine into a single roster and government support is not needed, but it is important to go into a single Museum space. Yes, they are, unlike the private theatres, and not asking for money. “We are responsible for zoos, circuses, aquariums,” he assured Olga Lyubimova. They, too, will be included in a common registry, however, some such institutions are sometimes difficult to relate to the cultural sphere.
among the beneficiaries attending cultural events, in addition to the honors, children from poor and large families, the efforts of the Ministry of defence enter the military, if a military town where they live, is near the cultural centers. So the words of Liliya Gumerova, Lyubimova and her Ministry will have to support the “sport, children and military.”
In Sevastopol and Sakhalin region are already open cinemas in Kemerovo and Moscow regions show movies outdoors. But the requirements associated with compliance with sanitary-epidemiological aspects in relation to theatres, will be coordinated with the Rospotrebnadzor. Prolonged periods of those projects suspended during the period of quarantine.