The unprecedented fight of Alexander Kazarsky

Kazarsky suddenly became a person close to the Emperor, and one of the most eligible bachelors of the Empire. At the time he was 32 years old. And birthplace of the hero of the Russo-Turkish war, 16 Jun 1797 in the town of Dubrovno, Vitebsk province.

the Name of Kazarsky here remember and honor. In the center of the Dubrovno a memorable character, one of the streets bears the name of the famous countryman. And even the annual chess tournament here named in honor of Alexander Kazarsky.

it is Known that the genus Kazarsky was an ancient, but poor. Father Ivan Kazarsky was managing a house of Prince františek Xavier Lubomirski, the main rich dubrowna. Built by the Prince residence was the center of attraction for nobles, rich merchants and officials of the Vitebsk province. There were receptions, balls were held.

Alexander Kazarsky to secular life to join did not. Fourteen the boy was sent to the city of Nikolaev to act in the Navigator school. At age 16 he became a Midshipman, and a year later received the rank of Midshipman, in the twenty and had command of a small squad of rowing ships in Izmail. In 1828 Lieutenant Kazarsky, commander of the brig “Rival”, first distinguished himself in the naval battle during the assault on the Anapa fortress, which belonged to the Ottoman Empire.

the Main force of the fleet could not go to the fortress in shallow water. But the young officer managed to strike a light brig as close as possible and began the siege. Within three weeks, “Rival” was in continuous maneuvering. Kazarsky deftly diverted the ship from enemy fire, and the howitzer mounted on the brig, fired with excellent accuracy. Three weeks later, a squadron of 25 ships went to Anapa and broke pretty tired of the enemy. Three months later, the same scenario brig under the command of Kazarsky participated in the storming of Varna.

For bravery in battle Kazarsky was promoted to captain-Lieutenant, he was awarded a Golden sword and was transferred to the brig “mercury”. Him and Alexander went down in History.

“mercury”, 18-gun warship was designed to protect the shores from the enemy. He wasn’t fast, but on Board there was a oars, and artillery guns were allowed to successfully conduct and close-ranged combat.

may 14, 1829, “mercury”, together with the frigate “Standart” and brig “Orpheus” cruise at Bosphorus Strait. On the horizon came the enemy’s fleet of 14 ships. It was decided to retreat. Slow-moving the mercury to break away from the chase failed, it quickly overtook the 110-gun ship “Selimiye” and the 74-gun linear ship “real-bei”. On the “mercury” was quickly assembled Council. Said the Lieutenant of the corps of navigators Prokofiev, who offered to “blow up the brig, when he will be taken to the extreme”.

“as a result of this opinion is accepted by all unanimously, it was supposed to protect��be to the last, and if the downed mast, or open large leak, then grab the closest enemy ship, the officer, who remains alive, needs lighting kruit camera, which was placed on the spire of a gun.”

later Kazarsky describe what is happening in the official report to Admiral Alexey Greig.

the battle Began. “Selimiye” and “real-bei” squeezed Russian brig in a pincer movement. But caught between the courts of giants, “mercury” showed miracles of resourcefulness and accuracy: shot and maneuvered in parallel, here they made good use of the paddle. On the deck of the Russian brig was hell, he was fired with two sides, but a rare fire Kazarsky was incredibly effective. For “Selimiye” was significantly damaged Vater-the stays and the mast. The ship went adrift and stopped the attack. But fate continued to favor a desperate team, “mercury”: precise shot managed to kill for-Mars-ray for “real-Bay”. 74-gun ship of the enemy lost control and was unable to continue the fight.

Leaving broken Turkish ships, the brig Kazarsky went to catch up with “Orpheus” and “Standard”. The result of the battle for the mercury: four killed, six wounded, 22 holes in the hull, 16 damage to mast, sails in tatters. But what excitement reigned on the deck of the brig, who won the unequal battle!

a report on the feat Kazarsky and his team to Emperor Nicholas I sent Admiral Greig. And in July the name of the young captain II rank thundered all over the country. “This feat is that we find another like him in the history of navigation: it is so amazing that you can hardly believe that meter,” wrote the newspaper “Odessa Herald”.

Until 1831 Kazarsky ordered military ships, and then Nicholas I befriended him. In the rank of captain I rank hero of the Russian-Turkish war was to execute special orders of the Emperor. Moreover, one of his main tasks was, as one would say now, the fight against corruption. In early 1833, Alexander Kazarsky was sent to Nikolaev.

And suddenly, like thunder from a clear sky – June 16 died.

immediately scattered around the country version of poisoning by order of the envious or thieving officials received no credible documentary evidence. It was found that Kazarsky was cold from eating ice cream and being really sick, got soaked in the rain on a walk. Treated a hero by the best doctors of the black sea fleet, but could not save. At the age of 36 years Alexander Kazarsky died of pneumonia.

the Monument to Alexander Kazarsky and brig “mercury” by sculptor Alexander Briullov became the first monument in Sevastopol. It was founded in 1834 on the initiative of the black sea fleet commander Admiral Mikhail Lazarev and opened in 1839. Ancient GreekESCA trireme on top of a truncated pyramid as if floating on the waves. On a pedestal with the laconic inscription “to Kazarsky. Posterity as an example”.

money for the monument was collected by the residents of Sevastopol and the Russian sailors.


I. F. Gorbunov Aleksandr Ivanovich Kazarsky. The last days of his life, June 1833г. / “Russkaya Starina”. 1886, Dec. P. 591-603.

“St. Petersburg Senate Gazette”, N27 from 6.07.1829 G.

a Report of the commander of brig “mercury” captain-Lieutenant Kazarsky, Admiral

A. S. Greig, the Museum of CFP, GU-678

a Report by the Chief commander of the black sea fleet and ports of the General-Admiral Greig Nicholas I, quoted in the publication: “Notes of the scientific Committee of the Chief of Naval staff of His Imperial Majesty”, Part II, 1834 – P. 311-318

Marennikova E. Alexander Ivanovich Kazarsky. 16 June 1833/ “Russkaya Starina”. 1886, July. -S. 203-208.