2066 people have recovered from coronavirus in Moscow


In the capital for the day from coronavirus infection have recovered more 2066 people. This was stated by the Deputy mayor of Moscow on issues of social development Anastasia Rakova on Tuesday, July 7.

Thus, in the capital for the time the pandemic had already recovered more than 159 thousand people, reports the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus in Telegram channel.

— Number recovered in Moscow continues to grow. For the past day after treatment recovered more 2066 patients. The total number of people who had recovered from infection, increased to 159 718, — said Anastasia Rakova.

Donor plasma can be people aged from 18 to 55 years, recover from coronavirus infection, which does not have a chronic disease and a negative result for HIV and hepatitis b and C.

Doctors believe that the blood recovered from coronavirus contains antibodies that help fight infection.