In the US, the “explosive” memoirs about Melania trump

the Book is “Melania and I” prepared by the publishing house “Simon & Schuster”, due out 1 September, reports the publication Vanity Fair. The details are kept in strict confidence. However, the book summary from the publisher says that the story begins with Wolkoff, became friends with Melania trump in the middle of 2000-ies, helped her in planning the presidential inauguration and ends with the fact that she was fired from the White house and start a social life. Wolkoff, resigned from the post of the assistant to the first lady in 2018.

Source The Daily Beast, which examined the content of the book, said that it is mainly negative for the family trump character and “strongly shake the first lady.” Wolkoff, noted the sources, writes about “the most chaotic White house in history.” Melania trump ended his relationship with his girlfriend after she learned that her own firm Wolkoff, received $ 26 million from the inaugural Committee of people to help plan events for entry into the position of the current head of the White house. She Wolkoff, has not confirmed this fact, stating that its “thrown under the bus.” After the dismissal Melania wrote a letter to Stephanie Wolkoff, in which he assured that it “comforted by the fact that our friendship far outweighs politics.”

In the last few years Wolkoff, who previously worked at Vogue and was responsible for creative projects, has attracted the attention of some politicians and security officials, opposition against Trump. Her deep knowledge of how the campaign headquarters of the current head of the White house was collecting and spending money, interested investigators of the Prosecutor’s office of Manhattan and representatives of the congressional committees that have begun to examine how the headquarters of the trump distribute the funds.

a Book about first lady launches the same publishing house “Simon & Schuster” that had previously printed controversial memoir, former adviser to trump national security John Bolton “the Room where it happened” and plans to release a sensational book of revelations niece of US President Mary trump. In his book, “Too much is never enough: how my family created the most dangerous man in the world” Mary trump speaks harshly about your uncle, in particular, and the trump family as a whole, which allegedly destroyed her life and the life of her father, and gives a “pungent” features almost all of its members, including the President.

Mary trump – the daughter of the late elder brother of President Fred trump Jr., the former pilot, who died due to problems with alcohol in 1981 at the age of 43 years. The administration of the trump tried to prevent the release of two books by lawsuits filed by the U.S. Department of justice. It was only in the second case. 30 Jun justice of the Supreme court of the state of new York issued a temporary ban on the spread until July 14 books the niece of trump, which had already been printed with a circulation of 75 thousand copies. On Monday, the publishers have stated that they intend by any means to start distributing the book on July 14.