“Tired”: a participant in the vaccine trials from COVID-19


One of the volunteers, which in Russia myself to test a new vaccine against coronavirus, admitted that "tired" from a two-week isolation.

"Yes, we were tired, but that’s okay," – said one of the volunteers on the question of the doctor during bypass video which gave the defense Ministry.

As told the head of the therapy Department, the doctor-co-investigator Svetlana Volchihin, the volunteers feel good and complaints are not present. According to the doctor, before they took the blood "to see how the immune system".

The vaccine trials began on 18 June. Nine participants in the experiment were introduced one component of the vaccine, nine the second. June 23 vaccine was introduced twenty volunteers. This group of participants will receive the drug in booster version – in three weeks they will be introduced to the testimony of the second component of the vaccine. Clinical studies will be completed by the end of July.

Volunteers are under the supervision of experts of the Main military clinical Burdenko hospital who have previously tested drugs. Experts daily visiting and interviewing volunteers measured blood pressure, pulse, temperature, carried out auscultation and inspection of the place of administration of the drug.