The state scopelos in a hurry Lockdown heavily distorted the market of public procurement

Public procurement statistics for the first half captures the strange from the point of view of the government’s priorities distortion of the market of the state order in connection with the coronavirus lockdown. Despite the demands of the White house to move the state order with the end of the year for the period of quarantine, a 10 percent nominal increase in the total volume of public procurement has provided only the first months of the year — until the introduction of the April quarantines. Expected in connection with the mass transition to remote work the growth of demand for IT and communications services in the public sector turned to reduce the volume of purchases for these items at times. At the same time tripled the purchase of financial services.Despite the pandemic crisis, in the first half of the year the government managed to slightly exceed the volume of purchases by top 10 industries, the analysis of “RTS-Tender” on the basis of Unified information system in public procurement. The volume of the implemented public procurement from January to July 2020 amounted to 4.2 trillion RUB vs RUB 3.8 trillion in the same period of 2019. At the same time the crisis shows statistics and some of the features — so, procurement enlarged, and their number has declined from 1.3 million to 1 million Growth fell in January—March (prior to the introduction of restrictions) that leveled their natural drop in April—June, reported in “Restore”. While the actual volume of the state order for six months can be even higher — the data on procurement in force majeure regime closed and separately accounted for by the Federal Treasury (see “Kommersant-Online” dated 24 March).In branch same section of the lockdown contributed to the pattern of procurement of material misstatement. Thus, the greatest growth was shown by the Finance & insurance sector: the volume of such procurement has increased from 40 billion rubles in January—June 2019 to 130 billion rubles in the same period of 2020 with their quantitative growth of 6% (to 5.1 thousand of purchases). As explained in the “RTS-Tender”, we are talking about the procurement of mediation in the monetary sphere of services for deposits, loans and leasing services. None of the respondents ‘ b ‘ experts could not explain the growth in demand for financial services FZ-44, the Finance Ministry also declined to comment. The explanation can probably be attempts by government agencies to keep nezakonchennyi budget allocations in order to avoid their diversion into the anti-crisis program (“Kommersant” wrote about this “PereVesti” budgets of national projects on 17 and 18 April), is to enter into financial contracts in this case, obviously, easier remote work.In the first six months also recorded a nearly twofold increase in transport services: after a sharp decline in purchases in may, industry rebounded in June due to weakening of the “coronavirus” restrictions on movement. The growth of procurement of transport services has been achieved also due to the decision to transfer procurement with the end of the year for the second quarter, indicates the head of the Committee on transport logistics, “Business Russia” Dmitry Purim. The largest volume of procurement was recorded in the construction sector and 2.1 trillion, but it remained unchanged compared with the first half of 2019. The customers increased their purchases of manufacturing products (1.2 trillion against RUB 0.9 trillion rubles) in the field of scientific and engineering activities (RUB 189 billion versus 152 billion rubles).However, the announced measures of the state support of the IT industry has not had the support of the industry: so, procurement services information and communication decreased in volume by half to 94 billion rubles. Recall that of the sector, along with tax breaks and regulatory measures, the authorities promised to compensate for the shortfall in demand through public procurement (see “Kommersant” on June 11). However, the chief editor TAdviser Alexander Levashov considers the observed fall in the volume of purchases of services in the field of communication and information logical at the background of the General quarantine and transport employees to remote work.The expected reduced purchases of administrative services for employment and recruitment, maintenance of buildings and grounds and tourist services 75 billion RUB compared to 106 billion rubles, However at the same time, government contractors, almost three times reduced costs for water supply services and Sewerage and waste disposal. However, market participants with such data does not agree. “We do not fix the decline in demand for our services on public procurement in contrast to services to private companies and to the population”,— said “Kommersant” member of the coordinating Council of “Business Russia”, the head of the Board of Trustees of the Association of manufacturers of pipeline systems Lev gorilovskiy, assessing the decline in the industry modest — at 20-25%.Diana Galieva