Russia has seen a surge in the number of decisions on bankruptcy of citizens

At the same time because of a pandemic, the courts in late March – early may rarer to hear cases of bankruptcy of individuals and is only partly compensated for the shortfall of solutions in the next six weeks, said the head of the project “Medresurs” Alexey Yukhnin. In June there was a spike in the number of definitions: the courts have recognized 11,5 thousand people bankrupt (more than two times more than in June 2019).

As noted in the “Adresource”, the bankruptcy of citizens more often (in 94% of cases) initiated by the debtors. Share bankruptcy creditors decreased from 8.2 to 4.8%, FTS – 2 to 1.2%.

the Capital region traditionally leads in the absolute number of people bankrupt. In January-June 2020 insolvent steel 2453 Muscovite (+11,6% compared to the same period in 2019), and 2190 inhabitants of the Moscow region (+18,9%), in third place in the Samara oblast (1981, +63,4%) was replaced by Bashkortostan. In recalculation on 100 thousand population, most of the citizens of the bankrupt was in Penza region (68), Samara region (62) and Kalmykia (58), said “Medresurs”.

the Borrower can initiate its own bankruptcy if its debts exceed 500 thousand rubles, and he can prove in court their inability to serve. Thus it is necessary to pay for the work of the financial Manager (of 25 thousand. + 7% from sold property, so the Manager eagerly looking for the hidden property), legal fees, publication on bankruptcy. Citizen, recognized by the bankrupt within three years can not participate in the management of organizations, and if, before the bankruptcy it was SP, within five years will not be able to engage in entrepreneurial activities. In addition, within five years, you need to specify the fact of their bankruptcy when applying for loans.

in Addition to the high cost, personal bankruptcy is now more than 8 months, this leads to the fact that to raise the necessary funds and go through the procedure maybe one in a hundred in need of bankruptcy, the Chairman of the International Confederation of societies of protection of the rights of consumers Dmitry Yanin.

In the state Duma awaiting a second reading the draft law on extrajudicial and free bankruptcy for low-income citizens with small debts.

As reported in the Secretariat of first Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov, an extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure was proposed to apply in respect of citizens with debts of 50 thousand to 700 thousand rubles.

the Growth of “bad” debt due to coronaridine will lead to the fact that more and more borrowers will turn to bankruptcy. Now this process is constrained by the active restructuring of loans, which contributes to the Bank of Russia in the framework of anti-crisis measures. From 20 March to 30 June, banks have considered the 2.2 million statements of citizens about the restructuring, of which granted 1.36 million statements, the restructuring loan agreements totaling more than 625 billion roubles, follows from the monitoring BAnka Russia.

Since the bankruptcy is a complicated and expensive procedure, debtors must first consider other possibilities to reduce the debt burden on the family. Lists the expert of the National center for financial literacy, consultant of the project “verifikasi.Russia” Anna Zaikina.

· please Contact the financial institution that provided the loan, explain and confirm a documented difficult financial situation. Banks can offer debt restructuring, which will lower the monthly payment or offer a mortgage holiday. If your Bank refuses to go to a meeting, talk to other banks about the refinancing and debt restructuring.

· If you can provide documentary evidence of income decline by 30% in 2020 compared to the year 2019, according to the law you have the right to use credit vacation.

· Now reduced the key rate, and with it lower rates on new loans. Consider, you may be profitable to take a new loan at a reduced rate to pay off the old loan with a high interest rate. This will reduce the amount of monthly payments and reduce the financial burden on your family. But be careful, at first it calculate, and then make a decision.

· certain categories of citizens are eligible to receive targeted assistance from the state. These include students, poor people, large families, elderly people, immigrants, single mothers.

With all the described options it is very important to timely treatment, preferably even before the onset of delinquencies. Care of the solution in this case will further worsen the situation.