France announced the composition of the new government

Several of the Ministers retained their posts. Is the French foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of the armed forces of Florence Parlee and economy Minister Bruno Le Mayor. In its place was left, and health Minister Olivier Veran, professionalism which the French appreciated in the period of withdrawal from the coronavirus epidemic.

As expected, dismissed the interior Minister Christoph Kastner. He lost the trust of many subordinates, not supporting them fully, when the wave of recent demonstrations began to accuse law enforcement of racism and “police violence”. His chair was occupied by Gerald Darmanin, previously issues of the state budget and taxes.

the Big surprise was the appointment to the post of Minister of justice lawyer Eric DuPont-Moretti, who is familiar with the French on a number of won trials. The chair of the Minister of culture got famous policy of moderate right of roselyne Bachelot. During the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, she has headed the French Ministry of health, and was engaged in the sport and the environment.