Quarantine in Ukraine will test the constitutionality The authorities are preparing for the lawsuits by entrepreneurs


The Ukrainian health Ministry has recorded a significant reduction in the number of new cases in the incidence of coronavirus in the country. Partly optimistic figures explain the return of strict quarantine measures. Meanwhile, the constitutional court of Ukraine was engaged in check of legality of government restrictions. If quarantine will be declared unconstitutional, employers will be able through the courts to demand compensation from the government in lost profits and other damages incurred in connection with the operation of different kinds of constraints.This morning, the Ministry of health of Ukraine reported that during the day, was identified 543 patients with new coronavirus. A day earlier the disease was diagnosed in 823 people. After records of illness in mid-June, the Ministry of health returned part of the previously canceled the quarantine restrictions, in particular requiring catering establishments to close no later than 22:00, and resuming strict control over the wearing of masks on public transport. The Department believes that these measures could reduce the number of cases.”80% carry coronavirus disease in the lung condition. They do not need to send in infectious hospital, where they run the risk of Contracting other diseases. They are treated as outpatients under observation. 20% require hospitalization,” he said in the TV channel “Ukraine-24”.However, from region to region, this statistic varies — for example, in the Transcarpathian region of hospitalization is necessary for about 30% of infected with a coronavirus. The health Ministry has not explained these regional peculiarities of the spread of the disease.The decline in the prevalence of coronavirus has allowed officials to make plans for a new partial easing of the quarantine. So, Mr. Lyashko suggested that in the near future in the Kherson region may earn one of the children’s camps. By order of the government summer camps throughout Ukraine are closed until at least July 31, however, the chief health officer believes that it is possible to open one of them for a short period — up to 14 days with constant medical supervision and only for children permanently living in the Kherson region. The results of the work camps in this test mode is scheduled to make a decision about the ability or inability to resume full operation of the camps from August 1.In each, the plaintiffs are asking the judges to recognize the quarantine illegal and violating the rights of citizens. Consideration of these Affairs joined the Supreme court, the court which appealed to the constitutional court with a request to clarify whether the decisions of Parliament and government-related quarantine, signs of violation of the basic law of the state. The Plenum of the Supreme court, considered one law and three regulations of the act directly relating to the imposition of quarantine, pRichelieu made a preliminary determination that they violate the Constitution of Ukraine. These violations related to the prohibition of peaceful Assembly, freedom of which is guaranteed by the basic law, prescription people over 60 years not to leave their homes, contrary to the enshrined in the Constitution equality of all citizens regardless of their origin, sex or age, and also the order of the Cabinet of Ministers on the closure of the borders. Regulation on the procedure of crossing the border, according to the participants of the plenary is not within the competence of the government.At the end of last week, the constitutional court has completed a study transferred from the Supreme court of the materials and passed to the closed part of the meeting to make a final decision about the legality or illegality of the quarantine. When will be made the decision is unknown, the regulations of the court assigns the case to six months.If the quarantine will be recognized as contradicting the Constitution of Ukraine, entrepreneurs will be able through the courts to demand compensation from the government in lost profits and other damages incurred in connection with the operation of different kinds of constraints.It is worth noting that on 6 June the Minister of justice of Ukraine Denis Malyuska said in an interview with “Radio Liberty” that his subordinates are preparing for this kind of ships and given the task to minimize the payment of claims of entrepreneurs in order to save public funds. At the same time, however, he expressed the hope that the judges recognize the government’s actions are lawful and to clarify the relationship with the entrepreneurs will not come.”We were on the very edge of authority. Next is would be the illegality. A risky tactic, no stock, we did not leave”,— said the Minister, explaining that, in his opinion, the government managed to avoid a direct violation of the Constitution.The authorities soon called error the weakening of quarantine than its introduction. So, released today from the edition “Ukrainian truth” interview with Secretary of Council of national security and defense Alexey Danilov, it follows that to record incidence rates led the government’s decision to cancel in may and June, part of a tough anti-epidemic measures. However, he said, Ukraine managed to prepare for the pandemic, which helped to avoid a significant number of deaths from the coronavirus. “Finally, we have seen that this is a big problem, January 25, when we received our intelligence data. At that time China did everything possible to from all over the world to collect as many masks, equipment, everything that concerns the protection against infectious diseases. It was a very difficult situation, I had a lot with the Cabinet of Ministers of conversations. I explained to them: guys, it is urgent to ban the export of the country’s equipment,”— said in an interview, Mr. Danilov.Matthew Shimanov, Kiev