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…at the Central exhibition hall “Manege” crowded. Here was opened the photo exhibition “a Different view. Portrait of a country in the lens of Magnum”. To see photos taken by the photographers of Magnum live, wanted hundreds of Petersburgers.

the exhibition’s Curator Nina Gomiashvili notes that in the preparation in the Arena, as always, it was a transformed space. Visitors like travel in time when each stand is a decade.

Anasyrma exhibition in may in the Manege expressed little hope that these photographs can be seen live. But it finally happened. However, many interactive things had to be abandoned. In particular, a library, a table for viewing slides and a movie room will be closed.

tickets to the arena only sell online, and you need to choose not only the date of my visit, but the time. It is expected that the exposition would be enough for one hour. All visitors must be wearing masks. By the way, a cloakroom and a café is also closed.

the Slightly simpler rule in the Suvorov Museum, which is well before it opened to the public. There are no sessions – true, in the tour group should be no more than five people. Free inspection of the exhibition is possible due to social distance. Scan the QR code in the lobby, it is possible to download the audioguide to your mobile phone.

the museums Opened in Peter and Paul fortress and visit Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Prison of Trubetskoy Bastion and the Museum of cosmonautics and rocket technology. However, sightseeing is not yet carried out, visitors are encouraged to use the audio guide.

by the Way, in St. Petersburg to audioguides for the period of a pandemic restrictions rely not standard, and disposable headphones, the device should be disinfected after each visitor.

Also opened a Museum of music, Museum of defense and blockade of Leningrad, the Literary Museum “XX century”. Today, July 7, the reception began in the Gatchina Palace, the Dostoyevsky Museum and the Anna Akhmatova Museum.

In the administration of St. Petersburg noted that from 12 to 15 July will resume the reception of the Savior on Blood and St. Isaac’s Cathedral.

12 Jul earns historic Park “Russia – my story”. And the opening of the Hermitage will be held July 15.