Songs about men in white coats

Before the music started, took place a solemn ceremony of awarding the head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov presented state awards to the doctors. And the concert was opened by Eduard Kolmanovsky’s song to words by Lev Oshanin “Men in white coats” sung by Askar Abdrazakov, and then there was the song Arno Babajanyan “Thank you.” Song theme continued Ildar Abdrazakov, choosing to speak “Melody of love”, “we were young” by Alexandra Pakhmutova and “Blue eternity” Muslim Magomayev… the Audience was delighted. A concert in his native Ufa brothers Abdrazakov made a duet performance of the hit “black Eyes”.

backstage, the singers spoke with hope about what has taken worldwide due to the epidemic months-long pause theatres will soon open the doors to the public, and life will be back on track. Although everyone recognizes that it will be difficult, primarily because the theatres suffered significant financial losses. For example, the Director of the Bashkir Opera and ballet theatre Ilmar Almukhametov said that the theater was sold tickets in the amount of 5.5 million rubles, and is now one of the key tasks is possible to compensate for these fallen income to though with the guy in time to release all of the planned premiere, as well as correctly close a fiscal year that ends in December. By the way, the artists “Bishopry” one of the first in Russia are back from vacation and in July begin preparing for the new season with dreams of what he will be full of exceptionally creative upheaval.

Askar Abdrazakov, artistic Director of the Bashkir Opera and ballet theatre:

I Really hope that during this downtime, we have not lost our audience. Like many of our colleagues, we have focused on work in the online format, and I think not without benefit held these difficult months. But theatre is a living art, the exchange of energy and feelings between the stage and the audience. And we hope to open the new season right on schedule, in September, the premiere of the operetta of Jacques Offenbach’s “Duchess Gerolstein”.

we Have planned a variety Premier. Here and Evening of one-act ballets staged by Ivan Vasiliev, and classic Opera “Eugene Onegin” by Tchaikovsky and “don Quixote” by Massenet, where I act not only as a performer of the title role, but the Director. We also have plans and contemporary Opera’s “New life” of Vladimir Martynov, the thing with the speaking name for the present time.