The Embassy of the Russian Federation: it is possible retaliatory steps for the British sanctions

“Special indignation causes the inclusion in the sanctions list of the executives of the Prosecutor General and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, as well as judges” – quoted by TASS representative of the Embassy.

the Diplomat reminded that in Russia the investigation, the prosecution and the court carry out its activity independently from the Executive and subject only to the law. “We cannot allow in their practical work, they looked at a hypothetical sanctions that may be imposed by foreign government for political reasons”, – the diplomat said.

According to him, “the Russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory steps in connection with the unfriendly decision of great Britain”.

the Representative of Embassy has noticed that in the UK the experts are more inclined to the view that sanctions are ineffective from the point of view of the claimed purposes and thus harm the bilateral relations. This also applies to the relations between Russia and Britain. “Today’s decision clearly designed exclusively for public benefit”, – the diplomat noted.

Earlier today, the UK announced Monday on the introduction of personal sanctions against 25 citizens of the Russian Federation, whom London considers implicated in violation of human rights. Among these persons – the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin, Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor grin, the ex-Deputy interior Minister Alexei Anichin, judges, investigators, employees of the interior Ministry.