Zakharov announced just two new songs

The official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova announced just two new songs for which she wrote the lyrics. Her words leads RIA Novosti on Monday, July 6.

“we Have already finished two tracks… about six months ago, we "Russian radio" announced a competition lezginka, was the text, and I love dance. The competition was held, won the representative of one of our regions”, — said Zakharov.

She added that the song had to be postponed because of the pandemic coronavirus.

The second composition, according to Zakharov, written “in a fit of absolute emotions and make her one of our most famous singers, very interesting, very controversial, causing a lot of controversy, of debate,” which itself “was also at the center of dramatic family history.” The foreign Ministry representative said that he had sent the singer his poems and got the finished song in two days. To disclose the name of the performer she became.

In July 2017 at the opening of the Moscow international film festival (MIFF) was first performed the song on the verses Zakharova “Return the memory”. The foreign Ministry representative said that at first shy about his work, but then showed the song Director Nikita Mikhalkov. In 2018 Zakharova co-wrote the song Katya LEL “in Full”. She wrote that after a conversation with the singer could not sleep: “And in the morning after a sleepless night sat and wrote the text, lines from which became the song”.