The estimated probability of a second wave of coronavirus

Chief doctor of the Moscow of the 40th hospital in Kommunarka Denis Protsenko answered the question, will the capital of the second wave of coronavirus.

"I Hope not. Let’s be careful, but I hope not," said the doctor in the First channel.

He pointed to the fact that the capital is gradually withdrawn introduced because of the pandemic of limitations.

"And that this step-by-step rejection of any strict quarantine measures, with constant monitoring of what is happening with the incidence of coronavirus, this gives an optimistic answer" — explained the medic.

He stressed that while it is impossible to say exactly whether it is possible to become infected again. He explained that the infection is known only six months.

"of Course, the accumulated data is not enough to say "No, you are no longer infected, if ill", — said Protsenko.

Pandemic coronavirus has spread to almost the whole world. Currently recorded more than 11.3 million cases of infection. Victims of the virus were approximately 532 thousand people.

In Russia have revealed the order of 688 thousand cases of infection. More than 454 thousand patients recovered, about ten thousand died.

Relevant data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.