Exam stress


At the initiative of the Ministry of education experts, including the rectors of HSE, Ranepa, TSU, FEFU, St. Petersburg state University and others, kind of summed up the end of the season to high school “udalenka” in a large analytical report. And although, according to the head of the Ministry of education Valery Falkova, in October we’ll have more detailed “debriefing”, the conclusions can be made already now.

Important: the universities as a whole “stress test” passed. In the future, higher education will remain “offline”. But someone will have to “tighten” their knowledge on the topic of digital technology. As found by the authors of the report, more than 60 percent of University teachers were never able to make friends with a figure for the time “udalenka”. However, many see the new opportunity and are confident that the figure will increase access to quality education. To motivate teachers, it is proposed to encourage those who are actively involved in digital projects.

And for the most advanced “adepts” distanta need special grants. Now in high school people with rich digital experience only a quarter.

In General, teachers often opposes “udalenka” the traditional format on the principle of “black and white”. And with such a rigorous comparison, almost 90 percent, of course, choose the latter.

Among the students of experts numbers, of course, more. And thanks to their help, many teachers found it easier to adapt to the extra transition in distance education. However, young people are faced with another problem: did not work, and therefore no Supplement to the scholarship and additional funds to help parents or even paying your own study. There are also cases when students were forced to leave school to go full time to provide yourself and your family. Those who pre-pandemic combined work and study, among other things, not so little – 65 percent. One of the measures to support students should be an increase in scholarships to the level of the minimum wage, experts say. We will remind, today the minimum wage in Moscow – more than 17 thousand rubles, and, for example, in the Ivanovo area – 10 500. For comparison, normal academic scholarship without allowances – about 1500 rubles. Scholarships graduate students are also encouraged to improve so that they were not below the average wage in the region.

by the Way, despite good relations with a number, by the end of distanta (June), only 14 percent of students said that they are completely satisfied. But about a third took distance learning: they like it even more than full-time. Maybe fully satisfied with udalenku had more, if not one “but”. From the tenth of all students was not at home necessary high-quality equipment – tablets, laptops, and routers. And among kids from low-income families such technology was not 30 percent. Often sat��sludge and Internet connection.

What else is important? “The consequences of the crisis will be given to echo in the system of higher education several years,” write the authors of the report. And offer to review the principles of control over the universities, until the abolition of all checks until the end of 2024, except for audits of financial discipline. Universities will be difficult: 40 percent of rectors predict a decline in revenues by more than 10 percent in 2021.

“the Full implementation of higher education programs in a distance format is impossible”, – concluded the authors of the report. But in the future universities will combine digital technology, distance learning and regular classes in the classroom.